Why it’s More Important than Ever to have Health Services at Your Events
Events are not easy things to organise. Whether you’re a professional event manager organising a conference or an entertainment organiser planning a music festival, there is undoubtedly a long list of services, staff and details to attend to.
From intoxication and drug overdoses at high-capacity music festivals, to dehydration at community events and emergency response at corporate functions, having trained medical professionals on hand is becoming more and more important in protecting your brand and attendees.
Protecting your brand
As an intrinsic part of Australian culture, music festivals and arts events have continued to increase in popularity. In addition to increasing rates of alcohol related incidences and drug overdoses that are often covered by mass media, other issues such as dehydration and crowd related injuries are commonplace and can put a great strain on event organisers.
For both organisers and brands sponsors, it is essential to know your event is equipped to deal with any situation so you can better protect your attendees, and avoid your organisation receiving unkind publicity in relation to inadequate health services.
It’s not just music festivals at risk
While music festivals are undoubtedly high risk events, they are not alone in the potential to have serious medical emergencies unfold. Fundraising fun runs, city marathons, shows, fetes, parades and other large gatherings are also commonly faced with medical emergencies, including many for dehydration due to guests spending large amounts of time in the hot Australian sun. The Australian public now expects accessible, convenient services at both private and public events so incorporating a well-designed and managed event health service has become best practice for event organisers across all industries.
Creating a safe environment and enjoyable experience
The primary concern is, of course, the safety and wellbeing of attendees. Having adequate health services available means attendees can feel safe knowing their wellbeing is valued, and reflects well on the general organisation and planning of the event. Whether it’s a small event requiring a basic first aid tent or a large-scale operation needing a fully equipped medical facility and multiple touch points, taking proactive measures and engaging professionals to assess the site, event specifics, and predicted atmosphere is essential in mitigating risks and creating a safe, enjoyable environment for all attendees.
Experienced providers such as Wilson Medic One offer scalable event health services and work closely with corporate and government organisers to assess events and deliver tailored solutions for safe, successful events.
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