Why Employers Need to Embrace Mental Health Awareness

Did you know that between 15 and 30 percent of Australian employees are thought to suffer from mental health problems at some point in their professional careers? It’s now more important than ever for businesses to recognise these issues and put structures in place to provide their employees with the assistance they need to overcome them.

There are a variety of ways to do this – such as facilitating a culture of open communication or organising for your employees to take part in a Mental Health Awareness Course – but you might be wondering just how much it will benefit your workplace. To help you better understand the importance of encouraging a positive and supportive environment, we’ve put together just a few reasons why mental health awareness should be a top priority for all companies…

It makes for a more enjoyable workplace

It should go without saying that a working environment filled with happy people will be more pleasant than one where everyone is stressed and unfulfilled in their roles. When your employees are happy with the work their doing and the people they are doing it with, the difference will be palpable – your office will become a better place to be for all, not to mention an environment in which everyone can do their best work.

It helps your employees grow

A workplace that actively supports and cares for the mental health of its employees is the perfect environment in which they can thrive. This kind of culture will instil confidence and enthusiasm in your workers, encouraging them to take new opportunities and go that extra mile in their roles. Before you know it, you will have a team of motivated professionals who are eager to grow in their roles.

It facilitates better results

The benefits of prioritising mental health awareness in your workplace all culminate in a more productive professional environment. When your employees enjoy their jobs, and feel supported, confident and happy in their roles, they will inevitably become more productive. This kind of attitude is invaluable to your business in both the long and short term, as your employees will feel more motivated to help you succeed.

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