SunSmart – The Future of Skin Cancer Treatment
The Australian lifestyle is built around our weather, be it putting on a barbeque with your friends, going for a swim in the ocean or just playing a game of football in the park. We are constantly in the sun and, as a result, must be very careful with how we protect ourselves. This National Skin Cancer Week it is vital to know how to protect yourself, but also know what can be done if you unfortunately develop skin cancer. By making a few lifestyle changes and by being more aware you can ensure your body is taken care of.
Skin cancer is treatable and, with most cancers, it is best to find out as early as possible so you can begin treatment. Find out how you can protect yourself during summer below and find out what scientists are working on to help battle this disease.
Medical sciences discoveries and breakthroughs
Over time, our ability to treat cancers has evolved and has become more advanced. Because of this, we now treat skin cancer differently than we once did. This change aims to save more lives and treat this disease more effectively.
There are three main types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma, which is considered the most dangerous form. Melanoma is commonly cut out, although some patients may also require immunotherapy to help beat the disease. Researchers have found that by adapting people’s gut bacteria during treatment, it may help to lead to more positive outcomes. This exciting breakthrough could change the way immunology is used to treat melanoma.
Adapting gut bacteria can be achieved by administering antibiotics, probiotics, or by performing a faecal transplant. This discovery published in the Science journal is one of many being made by scientists worldwide in the battle against skin cancer. This disease can strike anyone at any time, but having the right information to protect yourself gives you the best possible chance of being protected and achieving a positive outcome.
Prevention is key
As with anything in life, doing your best to prevent something happening is better than reacting to it. Although many may think applying some sunscreen is adequate protection, there are a variety of ways to protect yourself during summer and all year round. Putting on protective clothing that covers up as much as your skin as possible is an effective way of protecting yourself. Other tips such as applying SPF 30+ sunscreen, putting on a hat, sunglasses and staying in the shade are all great ways to protect yourself.
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